Thursday, September 30, 2010


We can only possess what we experience.

Truth to be understood must be lived.

There is a difference; a qualitative difference
Between what I know as a fact and what I know as truth.
It stands as great divide to separate my thinking
From what when I'm thinking foolishly and when I've understood.

The facts of theology can be altogether cold
Though true in every way they alone can't change me
Truth is creative, transforming and alive
It's truth that keeps me humble, saved and set free.

Straight up honesty, that's my obligation
That's the pointwhen I obey the truth without hesitation
When faith gains consent of my stubborn will
And makes the irreversible commottment real
To the Jesus of my journey, to the Christ of crucifixion,
Resurrection and redemption, to the Father of mercy
To the God of all comfort
Then and only then, then and only then
Then and only then, truth begins its
Saving and illuminating within the heart
And not a moment sooner, not one moment sooner

There can be no sympathy, there can be no understanding
You must surrender to the truth to really understand it
Oh, look at me, my opinion slipped out
But I'm under an obligation, without hesitation
To speak the truth in love
Somebody said,"Opinion is the queen of the world"
I believe this goes way beyond opinion
Crown this one king, crown this one king, crown this one king
Baby, where I come from that's a bold, bold statement
But I ain't no company man, you can respect that can't you?

Charlie Peacock

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