Saturday, January 30, 2010

NAR Revisited

I hope that you read the article on the 'New Apostolic Reformation'. I am tremendously concerned as to the influence that this movement is having on the body of Christ. My concerns are in three areas:

1. The misrepresentation of who God is.
2. Misrepresentation of who satan is, and
3. Presentation of a pagan worldview.

I spoke at a conference that was held by the 'new apostles' a few years ago. My experience woke me up to what was going on with them. My first meeting with one of the leaders of the movement included his greeting me by stating 'how good looking his secretary is'. I was supposed to stand there with this 'apostle' in front of his secretary and my wife and respond as to her looks? Why was he leading me to look at another woman? Red flag. The conference taught that christians can 'get demons' by doing the wrong things, such as going to see the movie The Chronicles of Narnia. Red flag. The general feel of the whole conference was that christians are so susceptible to the devil's abilities that we are in need of doing something about it. Red flag.The way that we are to deal with the issue of the christians vulnerability is to turn to methodology and perspectives that are extra/unbiblical. For example, when a christian 'has a demon' we are to talk to the demons for the truth of how to get them out of the christian. Red flag.

I was delivered by the Man Jesus Christ from the demons that were inside of me, not by anyone else. Yes, when the demon revealed himself, Jo Richardson told it to leave. It was as uncomplicated as that. I realized at that point the Jesus Christ is powerful. Not the devil. The devil is simply an instrument of God's will. Jesus Christ promised me that if I stay in His word, not the word of man, He would set me free by and through His revealed Truth, not the form of paganism that is propogated by the 'new apostles. Guys, I'm sticking with God, His word and the 'old apostles'.

If you haven't taken the time to read the article on the NAR, I would encourage you to do so....

1 comment:

  1. Amen! I just started to follow you and will read your article NAR! The Lord Bless your ministry...
