Sunday, May 16, 2010

You Might Be Practicing 'Christian' Occultism/Paganism If You:

1. Speak things into existence
2. Pray against Satan
3. Attempt to manipulate spiritual conditions by prayer
4. Tell God what to do
5. Spiritual warfare is taking on territorial spirits
6. Establish your doctrine from experience rather than by God's word
7. Cast demons out of Christians
8. Ask demons questions
9. Think faith is a 'force' rather than a simple trust in God and His word
10. Seek a way out of a curse that is on your life, though you are a Christian
11. Believe that the sins of your forefathers have brought demons into your life
12. Add to Scripture


  1. I'll take some issues with some of your points.

    1. You cannot 'speak' things into existance -only steer/manipulate conditions.

    2. What is wrong with praying against satan? You can also pray for the redemption of satan.

    3. If it benefits the faithful then what is the problem? Remember that God-Jehovah can allow or dismiss the requests of prayers according to his will.

    4. Agreed. To do such a thing is just stupid.

    5. You should take on anything that seeks to interfere between humans and God.

    6. Agreed but you should also share your experiences.

    7. Dont see what the problem is.

    8. As long as you dont take their answers as gospel, then why not?

    9. I believe in God but I also believe I should take the gloves off when necessary to serve Jehovah and defend the faithful.

    10. No idea why you typed this.

    11. and 12. Agree.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    In response to your statements:

    1. Indeed, human beings in their lack of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence cannot speak 'things' into existence. Only God can. And, He did Gen. 1 Individuals who practice occultism believe in speaking things into existence.

    2. Christians are not instructed in Scripture to pray against satan. Ever. Prayer is man communing with God and submitting his will so that God's will be done. Witch doctors,etc. practice appeasing evil spirits to assist victims. There is no redemption for satan or his demon. They have been judged and defeated by Jesus Christ. Please read the Bible.

    3. Based on my response from #2; prayer does not include manipulating anything or anyone, especially God. Witchcraft is the attempt to manipulate spiritual conditions.

    4. I'm pleased to know that we agree. However, many Christians 'tell' God rather than approach Him humbly making their requests known to Him trusting in His decision. That is not praying.

    5. I believe in a God that is all powerful and is in complete control. He simply doesn't need my help. Nor am I instructed in Scripture to take on territorial spirits. To do this is an unbiblical action, and pagan.

    6. Experience never supercedes Scripture.

    7. Ouch!! Scripture does not record one Christian having a demon cast out of them. Nor are we instructed in Scripture to cast out demons in Christians. The methods that deliverance ministries use are pagan. A good read would be Power Encouter by Opal Reddin.

    8. Why would a Christian, who already has the revealed Word of God, the Bible and the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit inside of them need to interact with demons? Paganism 101 Searching the dark for the light?

    9-12. No response neccessary.

    Anonymous, I am honestly concerned for you. Are you a born again Christian?
