Monday, October 12, 2009

Your Parents and You

Parents are our primary role models. They have the awesome responsibility of shaping the perceptions we learn by observation and experience. We apply these perceptions to our view of God, our self-concept, and our relationships with other people. The problem is that our parents are imperfect people who model beliefs and behaviors learned from their imperfect parents. As a result, our perceptions are often faulty, and we and our relationships suffer.

Our misperceptions, manifested pain, insecurity, anger, or rejection are cycled from one generation to the next, and would go unaltered were it not for the truth of God's Word.

THE PROBLEM: Our perceptions of God, Self-concepts and relationships with others are shaped by our parents.

THE SOLUTION: A healthy perception of God, others and ourselves.

THE PROCESS: Changing our perceptions of God, self-concepts and relationships with others.

Recommended reading: Your Parents and You


  1. You make the process sound so easy. lol


  2. On paper, the process does sound easy. But, it is really an issue (s) of our heart, mind and emotions which bear fruit. If we do not deal with the issue(s), we have as stated in the post:
    Our misperceptions, manifested pain, insecurity, anger, or rejection are cycled from one generation to the next, and would go unaltered were it not for the truth of God's Word.

    I would rather deal with it, wouldn't you?
